The "Long I" Sound

This page includes 90 words that end in the "long I" sound.

The words are grouped into three main categories:

1.) Alphabetical Order of 35 Words Featuring One Syllable Each

2.) Closest Matches of 15 Words Featuring Multiple Syllables

3.) 40 Other Words, Sorted Approximately Per Last Syllable

Alphabetical Order of 35 Words |       40 Other Words, Sorted
 Featuring One Syllable Each   |   Approximately Per Last Syllable
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  |   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aye      hi         sky        |    goodBye     ampliFy    petriFy
buy      high       sly        |     nearBy    simpliFy    satisFy
by       lie        spy        |      aliBi       uniFy       maGi
bye      my         spry       |    speciFy   personiFy       aLLy
cry      pi         sty        |    rectiFy   intensiFy       reLy
die      pie        thigh      |  electriFy     stupeFy       deNy
dry      ply        thy        |       deFy      typiFy     occuPy
dye      pry        tie        |      ediFy     liquiFy      rePLy
eye      rye        try        |   solidiFy      puriFy      apPLy
fly      shy        vie        |     codiFy   diversiFy   multiPLy
fry      sigh       why        |    magniFy     testiFy      iMPLy
guy                 wry        |    qualiFy     mystiFy     coMPLy
                               |    falsiFy      notiFy       aWRy
                               |               beautiFy
Matches of      dignify    glorify    clarify
15 Words        signify    horrify     verify    classify
Featuring                                          pacify
Multiple         ratify    fortify    thereby      gasify
Syllables       gratify    mortify    whereby

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